Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Voice Samples from Tyros 3


Tyros 3 vs Korg Pa2xPRO

It seems Yamaha is trying to compete Korg's PA2XPRO by introducing the TY3...

Lets try to take a look at the comparison chart here
On the other hand I have been told by my dealer a new Roland keyboard will be launched immediately after the introduction of the TY3.
Apparently Roland refuses to give any information ( not even to their dealers - so they say - ) for the time being : no pictures, no spec's at all.
If you could find out more in the USA, plse let us know. Thank you !

It will be very hard for Roland to beat Yamaha but you never can tell.
In my eyes the TY3 looks more to be a TY2 facelift but maybe I am completely wrong.
The TY3 will be more expensive than the TY2 so they say ( approx. U$ 750 list price ).
In 2002 the TY1 was a real revelation.
Actually the Mega Voices were a real revelation and they still are I believe.

Yes, my dealer tried the TY3 himself in Japan 4 weeks ago.
He says the TY3 sounds super and is really made for live performing musicians.
By implanting more samples with velocity changes ( similar to the Mega Voices concept ), the SA2 voices were born.
I agree with you it will be very hard to convert the SA2 voices.
Personally I think the invention of the Mega Voices was a very important step forward without critizising the SA- and SA2 voices.

Maybe Yamaha is focusing on the present TY1 -, KN6000/6500/7000 -, G70- and Korg's PA players ?
Maybe some TY2 players prefer to wait for the TY4 ( 2011 ) ?

We cannot ignore Yamaha already launched 3 different Tyros models during the period 2002 - 2008.
During that same period Yamaha also introduced the PSR1500,3000, CVP307,CVP407, S700, S900 and a few smaller models too.
As far as I know no other competitor has ever done that ( before ).

Is this marketing approach Yamaha's newest strategy to beat competition and to stay on top of the market ?
Are Yamaha's ( potential ) customers ready to follow this trend ?
Why is Yamaha presently not updating existing models instead of launching new models ?
Will smaller manufacturers like Ketron, Gem, Korg and others survive this model invasion strategy ?
What will happen to them ? Will they all die or will they be taken over by Yamaha ?
How will Roland's sales strategy look like in the near future ?
Will Roland become Yamaha's strongest competitor or will Roland's keyboard division taken
over by Yamaha ? If so will the Roland's brand name be kept ?
Until early 2000 Technics was still one of the market leaders.
A couple of years later Panasonic stopped the production and distribution of all their Technics keyboards, why ?
Hard to answer all these questions now ... time will tell.

ITs a BOY!

The following message is form the PSR yamaha groups. Sincere thanks to JEFF from NETHERLANDS.

One of our important Dutch Yamaha dealers, Henk Oostendorp has visited Yamaha Japan and China last week
and wrote me an e-mail after his return.

Henk is very impressed by the new of features of the TY3.
He saw and heard the TY3 at the Yamaha's headoffice in Japan.
He agreed with Yamaha Japan not to show any pictures, flyers nor to give any detailed information.

In his e-mail to me Henk is describing the new TY3 features as follows.

The sliders are there and completely new for Yamaha.
Extra new additional effect processors are built in.
All styles have been improved since they contain the new voices ( e.g. SA2 voices ).
All styles and voices sound a lot better and very natural thanks to the added effect processors.
Loading samples goes very fast now.

" Finally the TY really sounds like a " live " instrument and cannot be compared with any other competitive keyboard.
The TY3 is the best keyboard in the market. " were Henk's last words in his today's message.

Best wishes, Jeff / The Netherlands